It’s never too late to get in on a great investment.
To wit: Netflix.
Now, just to be clear here I’m not recommending you go buy Netflix. I’m going to recommend you invest in something else—the cryptocurrency, Solana. But our road today leads through Netflix, so that’s where we start.
The online video giant began in 1997 as a subscription-based movie service—basically Blockbuster through the mail. Instead of you schlepping down to Blockbuster to rent a movie, Netflix sent DVDs to you in the mail. You watch. You stick the DVD back in the mail in the pre-paid envelope, then await arrival of the next flick on your list.
But that’s just the amuse-bouche to today’s bigger story that it’s “never too late.”
See, Netflix joined Wall Street in a 2002 initial public offering priced at $15. Adjusted for stock-splits and whatnot over the last 23 years, that IPO cost-basis now is just over a dollar. Netflix today, however, trades for more than $900, meaning a $10k stake in 2002 is now approaching $8 million.
By 2007, Netfix had morphed. In came the streaming technology we all use today when we tell folks we’re going home to “binge-watch Emily in Paris.”
When streaming emerged, Netflix stock had already more than tripled. So maybe that seemed like the wrong moment to be a buyer. Why buy the highs?
Yet, had you grabbed $10k worth of Netflix shares at their highest price even then, you’d still be flush with nearly $2.4 million worth of Netflix stock in your brokerage account today.
Behind that story is the idea of disruption.
It’s a concept as old as fire and the wheel—a new technology structurally changes society and how it works.
Netflix did that—to such a degree that it destroyed Blockbuster, a company that in the year 2000 had a chance to buy Netflix for a relatively paltry $50 million. And yet Blockbuster’s phenomenally brilliant and forward-thinking execs laughed Netflix out of the room.
Now, we’re in the midst of a new disruption—a force that is already changing the world in numerous ways, though I’d argue most people don’t see it yet.
Of course I’m talking about blockchain technology.
But we have to be more specific. After all, the early internet was chockablock with disasters-in-waiting, like, Webvan,, Global Crossing, and others.
The early blockchain/cryptocurrency world is no different.
Many losers have emerged and will continue to emerge… and people who invest in them will see the value of their crypto plunge to zero.
So, let’s all agree we’re only going to concentrate on the winners…
And one of the very biggest winners will be Solana.
SOL is already the #5 crypto in the world, based on its market cap.
My bet: SOL rises to the #2 spot and emerges as the most important blockchain for daily transactions.
Bitcoin will always remain #1 in terms of market cap. But no one of any intellect uses bitcoin for daily transactions. The network is too slow for that. Bitcoin is like digital gold, it’s a “store of value” coin, not a daily-spending coin.
Everyone, however, will use Solana for daily transactions… because the Solana network is already lickety-split and will soon be so fast that it can perform a million transactions globally every second. Credit-card giants Visa and Mastercard currently run the world of payment processing on just 1,700 transactions per second.
So, imagine what Solana will be able to do at a million TPS… imagine the opportunity for efficiency and greater profits that such speed represents to businesses the world over.
Because of that speed—already proven in trials—Solana promises to dominate the world of daily transactions by a wide margin.
I’m gonna use one example to show you what’s coming…
The smartphone.
Could be any smartphone. Doesn’t matter the brand. All that matters is the “application layer” that allows you to do all the things you do on your phone—from paying for donuts at Krispy Kreme, to buying Twinkies at Kroger, to investing through Fidelity or Robinhood, to, well, running your daily life on your calendar.
Imagine a smartphone that knows your appointments and automatically syncs with your navigation app, so that you wake up in the morning and the phone displays all your appointments for the day and tells you the amount of time you will need to travel from one to the other based on local traffic.
Your phone also knows from its communications link with your refrigerator that the milk has expired, your spouse ate the last of the Chunky Monkey, and that based on the TikTok recipe you saved online last night for authentic carbonara, all you need is some guanciale and you’re good to go… oh, and by the way, there’s an Italian market with a fresh deli on your way to Appointment #3 “and I can order guanciale for you now so you can pop in and grab it quickly on your way,” your phone announces. “Just say ‘Mama Mia’ and I’ll place the order…”
All of that is going to happen because of Solana’s crazy speeds, and because Solana’s transaction costs are ridiculously inexpensive—fractions of a penny.
You’ll pay for a subscription service, much like you pay to binge Emily in Paris on Netflix, but the price will be minuscule—maybe $5 per month, maybe less, to cover everything, paid in Solana by way of a direct link to a crypto wallet on your phone.
There will be no middlemen in the process. No intrusive company requiring your credit card data or even your name and address. All that will matter is that you have a smartphone loaded with particular apps that operate on the Solana blockchain, that integrate with one another, and that are linked to your crypto wallet in which you hold some Solana.
In simple terms, the blockchain enables all of this because companies share a single database of users, but without any user identification other than a crypto wallet address. That means companies can integrate all kinds of services we haven’t even thought of, and the companies don’t even have to work together.
Now, apply that to your whole life—entertainment, your job, education, gaming, banking and investing, applying for a mortgage. Like I said earlier, some of this is already taking shape. Just one example: States in Brazil, including Rio, are moving citizens’ ID onto the blockchain because it’s safer and more convenient for everyone involved.
This is the world we’re moving toward.
Which is why I sound like a CD on repeat when I tell anyone who will listen to own Solana.
The road from here to there is going to be volatile. Lots of ups. Lots of downs. Twists, turns, hairpin corners.
But it’s a road climbing a mountain, and the wondrous views at the top will be nothing I can describe.
I’ll just say it’s Netflix from a blockchain perspective. Meaning millionaires will be minted.
Solana won’t be the only winner, however.
Lots of other companies are operating on the Solana blockchain now, and many are carving out their own niches. Those companies are going to see mountainous highs as well.
We all know the disruption the internet brought into our lives… the Netflix disruption in particular that changed forever the way we consume television and movies.
Solana is the next Netflix.
Only, it’s going to disrupt everything—not just entertainment.
Bascially, what I’m saying is that it’s not too late to buy Solana. Or any number of smaller crypto projects operating in the Solana ecosystem.