I want to convey a message today as plainly and unequivocally as possible:
Seriously. This is your call to action before it’s too late to act.
We are six months away from something called the “Halving.” This will be the fourth one since 2012. And before I continue with today’s dispatch, I want to share three charts that depict the last three halvings. My hope is that they’ll help convince you of what’s likely in the offing…
Halving #1 occurred on Nov. 28, 2012.
A bit more than a year later, bitcoin hit what was then its all-time high just north of $1,200. I’ll save you the math: That’s a gain of more than 9,900%.

Halving #2 occurred on July 9, 2016.
By mid-December of 2017, bitcoin was at its next all-time high, with a gain of nearly 2,900%.

And halving #3 came around on May 11, 2020.
Bitcoin’s next all-time high (its last all-time high approaching $70,000) in November of 2021 saw BTC up nearly 700%.

As I said, we are about six months away from the next halving. These events happen roughly every four years. If my calculations are correct, the Fourth Halving will occur somewhere around April 25. At which point, bitcoin will head toward its next all-time high (and certainly not its last all-time high).
These halvings happen as a way to control inflation in the number of bitcoin that exist. It’s part of the framework that makes bitcoin an increasingly valuable commodity. I refuse to bore you with the technical details of halvings, but I will just tell you that these are going to happen every four-ish years until the year 2060.
All I really want you to know is what’s portrayed in those three charts.
Because the halvings are so meaningful within the bitcoin ecosystem, they have the effect of propelling bitcoin’s price dramatically.
This time is not likely to be any different.
Indeed, the crypto community at large is already anticipating that bitcoin’s halving will launch the next, great bull market in crypto. In fact, Arthur Hayes, co-founder of the BitMEX crypto exchange and the youngest African American billionaire in history, just recently said that investors should prepare for the greatest bull run in history.
Not in crypto history, mind you.
In history history.
Like, ever.
As Hayes said: “I think we are going to go somewhere between $750,000 to $1 million in Bitcoin by 2026… this is going to be the largest bull market in financial assets we have ever seen in human history.”
I’ve been saying pretty much the same thing for a while now. It’s why I am so hellbent on convincing anyone who will listen that what’s coming has the power to create generational wealth.
The halving is a part of it.
So, too, is the fact that the world is awash in so much debt that central bankers will have no choice but to cut interest rates because Western governments cannot face the prospect of substantially higher interest payments.
And the third member of this troika is the SEC’s imminent approval of an exchange-traded fund based on the spot-price of bitcoin—the price you see when you ask Google what the price of bitcoin is today. Such an ETF does not exist (for ignorant reasons) but one is certainly on the way.
In fact, last week, a news outlet published an erroneous story that the SEC had approved an application for a spot-price bitcoin ETF financial giant BlackRock filed several months back. Though the outlet quickly retracted the story, bitcoin’s price had already jumped 5% in seconds, demonstrating the pent-up demand for such an investment product.
Once these ETFs start trading, we’re sure to see trillions of dollars flow into them from Main Street investors who want exposure to bitcoin without having to figure out crypto wallets and crypto exchanges… and from institutional investors who want easy access to bitcoin through financial products that inherently understand, such as an ETF.
Thus, as we approach the Fourth Halving, bitcoin’s price is primed for explosive growth because of these other exogenous events unfolding at the same time.
Thing is, bitcoin isn’t likely to just hang around until April 25 before starting its march higher.
Bitcoin’s price will begin moving much sooner.
The minute the SEC approves an ETF—that could happen before yearend—bitcoin will launch into its next bull run. The halving will only amplify the trend.
My bet: I’m being conservative and predicting bitcoin this time rises just 500% to its next all-time high. Of course, I have no idea where bitcoin’s price will be on the day of the halving six months from now. But based on where we are today—around $29,000—that would put bitcoin in the $170,000 to $180,000 range.
Will it get there?
I would usually tell you, “I can’t say for sure.”
This time, I am telling you that bitcoin has all the right ingredients in place for an epic bull run. Yes, I’ll bet we see $170,000.
In fact, we could very well see prices that are much, much higher. Arthur Hayes is telling his followers to expect prices of $750,000 to $1 million in 2026. And few deep thinkers in the crypto space would argue against that.
So I will end where we began:
Seriously. This is your call to action before it’s too late to act.